Welcome to DoodleBrood

Why choose DoodleBrood for your next Goldendoodle?
Welcome to DoodleBrood! We're so happy you're here, and so excited for your Goldendoodle journey!
We have been breeding goldendoodles for the better part of a decade, and we are passionate about providing the healthiest goldendoodle puppies bred for the best temperament. We never inbreed our dogs (pairing related animals for breeding), and we train our pups to be wonderful members of your family from the first day.
We are committed to giving DoodleBrood puppies the absolute best start in life, preparing them for a long, healthy, joyful life with their new familes.
Learn more about what makes our Goldendoodle puppies the best pets out there
Ask about our Goldendoodle puppies here.
Visit our Facebook page for photos and videos of our latest puppies!
Featured Video: A Year in the Life
of a DoodleBrood Pup
Goldendoodles are our passion!
Learn everything there is to know about Goldendoodle pups! We have so much information on our site to teach you everything about this special breed.
Join the DoodleBrood family, and never miss a single update by joining our Facebook page!
We are 100% committed to ethical, responsible breeding.
To dive into more information about Goldendoodles, click here!
Wanna join our waiting list? Let us know!
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